In the previous post, we looked at the life changes God brought upon the woman after her sin and how she would experience labor pains…
Paul began Romans 9 with sorrow over Israel’s exclusion from the grace in Christ. From there, he explored the reason the people of God failed…
What if God, wanting to show His power and wrath, endured for many centuries the vessels of wrath? Would that be ok?
Suffering Added bringing men to the end of themselves To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain…
Could Pharaoh ask God why He used Pharaoh in unrepentant stubbornness as a vessel for displaying God’s wrath and not as an unrepentant vessel for…
Is it okay for God to treat one people group differently than another people group, when there is no major difference between the two?
The questioner wanted to know the purposes of God regarding the proportion of people God intended to save. Would it be a large amount, or…
God chose the nation of Israel to be His people by the word of a covenant. So why were they outside of the blessings in…
Paul’s tone goes from exuberant joy to heavy heartache and sorrow in just a few verses. Why the big change in mood?
When God forbade Adam from eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, He warned him of imminent death if he disobeyed.…